This tutorial will show you how to access assignment data and analyze the results.
Written tutorial
Assignment Data page
Once you have logged in, you'll be defaulted to the Assignment Data page.
To filter for completed assignments, go ahead and go to the filters drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner of the screen and select "Completed," then "Apply filters".
Now, you can see a list of your completed assignments. Notice that the bar graph icon is green to indicate whether an assignment has any submissions.
To see the results for a specific assignment, you need to locate that assignment in the table. When you hover over the row, you should see buttons appear toward the end of that row. Click the black bar graph button to view your results for that assignment.
Assignment Data | Results page
The Assignment Data | Results page includes four collapsible sections:
1. Highlights (overview)
2. Data Overview (matrix graph)
3. Performance by Standard (bar graph)
4. Student Results (table)
1. Highlights
The Highlights section displays the average class score, high and low scores, the average amount of time spent on task, and the number of students who have completed the assignment.
2. Data Overview
This section shows the average class score and individual student results.
You can switch between viewing data by section or by intervention group.
The black row across the top shows the average score for each domain, standard, and stem.
You can click the row headers to expand that section or intervention group, showing the scores for individual students within that group.
The black column along the left shows the average score for each group (section or intervention) and each student.
Domains are represented by the columns with white text on a black background. They are written in the format "3.OA", where "3" represents the grade level, and "OA" represents the domain. For example, "3.OA" means "3rd grade - Operations and Algebraic Thinking"
Targets are shown in the yellow or blue bars above standards and stems. The colors can help you make the distinction between major (gold) and supporting (blue) items, as well as standards (dark gold or dark blue) and stems (light gold or light blue).
Standards are represented by columns that have a darker blue or darker yellow bar across the top. The standard is written in the format of "OA.1", where "OA" is the domain and "1" is the standard in that domain.
Stems are represented by columns that have a light gold or blue blue bar across the top. The stem is written in the format of "OA.1 (4)", where "OA" is the domain, "1" is the standard, and "(4)" is the stem or question format.
If you hover over a stem, you can see a preview of what that question looks like.
The met or exceeded donut chart includes performance band cut scores that can be edited by clicking "Edit cut scores."
From here, use the sliders to slide the percentages to your preferences. Once you have completed this, simply select "Apply custom cut scores."
3. Performance by Standard
Scrolling down the page even further, you can see the performance by standard bar graph, which lists all of the standards included in the assignment.
Clicking one of the standards will take you a level deeper in the bar graph.
Hovering over the stem number with your cursor will reveal a preview of that stem.
Hovering over the green or orange bar will show a complete list of students who got the question correct or incorrect, respectively.
You can click the "Go back" button in the top right-hand corner of that section to navigate back to your list of standards.
4. Individual Student Results
Scrolling down even further is where you can see individual student results.
You can see which students have completed the assignment and which students have not completed the assignment.
By looking at the students who have completed the assignment, you can see their names, their score, total time on task, the time and date they completed it on, as well as their individual student results.
You can choose to reopen the assignment so a student can continue from where they left off, or you can choose to restart the entire assignment for selected students.
Viewing individual student results will allow me to see each individual student score, their time on task, their performance by standard bar graph, and if you continue to scroll, you can see item by item the exact questions that the students received.
The green bar and check mark indicate the student got the answer correct, and an orange bar with an orange x indicates that the student got the answer incorrect.
Students can access practice questions as well as an instructional video right from here, as they will see these exact same results once they click submit.
Teachers can override an answer by clicking the "Override answer" button in the top right corner of the page.
You can go back to the previous page to view other individual student results by clicking the back button for the assignment in the top left corner of the page.