- Navigating the mobile tablet version of
- Accessing the shortcut to My Collection
- Changing the stem format for print or online
- Identifying standards taught
- Sharing to PLC teams
- Creating PLC teams
- Accessing the support page
- Printing student credential cards and QR badges
- Creating intervention groups
- Creating labels
- Accessing the Usage navigation button in the sidebar
- Accessing the Roster navigation button in the sidebar
Stem Grid
Standards Builder
- Progression Playlist Overview
- Sorting and removing duplicate stems in the Standards Builder
- Accessing the Progression Playlist
- Adding all stems from a standard to an assignment
- Adding several of the same stem to an assignment
- Adding stems from multiple grade levels to an assignment
Printable Assignment
Online Assignment
New Assignment Page
Assignment Data
- Navigating between individual student results
- Organizing with folders
- Mass exporting assignment results
- Manually entering student scores
- Options within the Assignment Data page
- Sorting Assignment Data with buttons, filters and search query
My Collection
- Sorting and filtering in My Collection
- Sharing folders
- Deleting and restoring assignments in My Collection
- Locating and pushing out assignments shared to me
- Sharing assignments
- Selecting “My Collection” to view a complete list of your assignments
Review and Respond to Data
- Deleting and restoring assignment data
- Editing cut scores
- Assigning a retake
- Assigning Blended Learning assignments
- Assigning Individualized Learning assignments
- Locating an assignment link for Google Classroom
Procedural Fluency
Target Practice
Domain Assessments
Conceptual Understanding
- Creating a subitizing assignment
- Using the Perfect Square Matrix as a learning activity with your students
- Using the Fractions Matrix as a learning activity with your students
- Using the Multiples Matrix as a learning activity with your students
- Using the Addition Matrix as a learning activity with your students
- Using Conceptual Multiplication as a learning activity with your students