

This tutorial will show you how to access prebuilt diagnostics.

1. Once you've logged in, go to the navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen and select Diagnostics.


2. From here you'll see your grade level Readiness Diagnostic in blue. This diagnostic measures prior grade readiness standards as predictors for grade level success.

3. You will also see the Essential Standards Assessment in gold. This diagnostic is designed to measure students progress towards end of the year achievement of the standards.

4. Select Print to see a preview of the print version of the desired diagnostic. 

5. Select Preview to preview the digital student experience of the online diagnostic.

6. Select Assign to be taken directly to the Assignment Settings page.

7. Update your settings and click Add all to add the students you want to take the assignment.   

8. Click Create assignment to push the assignment out to your students.



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