Domain Assessment Overview

This tutorial will provide users with an overview of the Domain Assessments page within the NextGenMath platform.



After logging in, select Domain Assessments from the left-hand menu. 

The domain assessments page displays a combination of domain assessments for each grade level. Major domain assessments are highlighted in yellow, supporting domains are highlighted in blue, and summative assessments are highlighted in green, for testing grade levels only.

Each domain assessment card, displays the grade level, domain name, target alignment, and the standards included within each target. Each non-summative domain assessment is 15 questions. 



Printing Domain Assessments

To customize a domain assignment for print, select print on any of the domain cards. 

From here, the page layout, font size, and workspace can be adjusted and questions can be refreshed. The assignment can additionally be translated into Spanish.


Selecting the back button allows you to return to the Domain Assessments page.


Online Domain Assessments

To create an online domain assessment, select Preview from the domain assessments card. Preview the assignment, and select assign to customize the assignment settings, add students, and create the assignment.


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