Sharing to PLC teams

This tutorial will show you how to share folders and individual pieces of data to their PLC teams.

To share a folder to a team, locate the folder and select the three ellipses. Then, choose "Share."

From here, the top dropdown menu says "Share to a Team." Click into the dropdown menu and select the team you'd like to share with.

Once selected, you'll see the names of the teachers from that PLC team added to this folder. Simply select "Done." Anything added to that folder will be automatically shared with those teachers in your PLC team.

To share an individual piece of data, select the three ellipses for that piece of data, then choose "Share." Locate the "Share to Team" dropdown menu, select the team, and click "Done."

You can also share from within My Collection. Here, you can share a specific assignment to the PLC team by selecting the three ellipses, then "Share." Locate the team dropdown menu, select the team you want to share with, and click "Done."

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