Enhanced Navigation System: Discover the Seamless Journey of NextGenMath.com - June 2023

The last few months have been dedicated to renovating the NextGenMath.com platform, with the ultimate goal of providing you with a powerful and user-friendly tool that brings joy to your experience. In this newsletter, we provide you with an overview of the revamped navigation system and introduce you to the following key navigation components:

  1. Side bar
  2. Top bar
  3. Breadcrumb

Side Bar

The side bar is your primary navigation tool, consisting of two distinct groups of buttons. The first (top) group encompasses everything that was previously located under the dashboard dropdown menu, including: Overview, My Collection (formerly Assignment Bank), Assignment Data, Usage (formerly Analytics), Roster, Users (administrators only), Schools (administrators only), Sections, Interventions, and Labels.

Here is a side-by-side comparison to show you exactly where these buttons are located. Please note that Assignments has been broken into two pages: My Collection (Assignment Bank) and Assignment Data.

The second (bottom) group houses all the features previously found on the tiles page, including: Procedural Fluency, Standards Builder (formerly Standards Practice), Target Practice, Domain Assessments (formerly Common Core Assessments), Framework Fundamentals, Conceptual Understanding, and Performance Tasks.

To maximize your horizontal space, we incorporated a collapse button, allowing you to condense the side bar to display the icons only. By clicking the same button again, you can expand the side bar. Furthermore, when the side bar is collapsed, hovering over an icon reveals a tooltip displaying the respective page names.

Top Bar

In addition to letting you know which page you're on, the top bar provides convenient access to essential links, including the support center and notifications. From the dropdown menu, you can find links to change settings, contact us, view the platform from a different role, and sign out.


The breadcrumb feature functions as both a back button and a locator within the platform. On top-level pages (requiring a single click to access, such as Assignment Data or Domain Assessments), the breadcrumb remains hidden. However, when you navigate two levels deep, like when viewing the results of a selected assignment, the breadcrumb displays a back button, returning you to the previous page. As you delve three levels deep, the back button text becomes more specific, reflecting the page you're on, while still maintaining its functionality as a back button.

Let's consider an example: navigating from Assignment Data to Blended Learning.

  • Level 1: Assignment Data (no breadcrumb)
  • Level 2: Data Overview for selected assignment (back button)
  • Level 3: Blended Learning for selected take (back button with specific text)

NextGenMath.com provides a seamless and enjoyable user experience with these enhancements. Efficient navigation meets enhanced functionality on our new and improved platform. Stay tuned for more enhancements in the coming months!

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