This tutorial will show users how to create interventions.
- Once you have logged in, go to the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen and select 'Interventions.'
- From here, go to the top right-hand corner of the screen and select 'New intervention.'
- You can create your intervention groups by students, sections, or grades. To create an intervention group by students, make sure 'Students' is selected, and then select 'Next.'
- You can also filter by your class roster, your entire school, or the entire district.
- Click into the 'Students' field, and start typing the name of students.
- When you see their name populate, click on them to add all the students to your intervention group that you desire. Then select 'Next.'
- Give your group a name
- add any partner teachers or colleagues that you would like to share this intervention group with, then review.
- If you recognize you need to update something, select the 'Edit' button just above the box of that section and make any changes necessary.
- Click 'Review' again and then select 'Save.'