What's New on Next Gen Math – Jan 2024

At Next Gen Math, we’re dedicated to making your job as an educator more streamlined, more effective, and less stressful. Some improvements that we made in the last month include the addition of PLC Teams, a new Standards Taught graph, and an easy way to navigate between individual student results.


PLC Teams

We've made sharing collections and assignment data even easier with the addition of PLC teams. Once you create a team, that group will be an available option in the teams dropdown menu when you choose to share a collection or assignment data. With one click, any stem pack, assignment, folder, Procedural Fluency preset, or Conceptual Understanding preset can be simultaneously shared to multiple colleagues.


Standards Taught

Understanding student learning trajectories is essential for effective teaching. Our new assignment option, Standards Taught, empowers you to view data on a summative assessment in two ways: overall results and results on only the standards previously taught. Activate this feature when creating a new assessment or editing an existing one by removing any standards not yet taught from the Standards Taught section.

Enabling Standards Taught will add a separate score to student results based on the standards that were taught vs not taught. Teachers can use this information to gauge how well students are grasping the concepts introduced thus far, allowing for targeted interventions and adjustments to teaching strategies.


Student Results

Teachers can now quickly navigate between individual student results! When viewing a student's results page, a new dropdown is available on the upper righthand corner. Opening this dropdown will show the names of students who have completed the assignment as well as their score.


We're constantly striving to empower educators like you with innovative tools and features. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements to support your teaching journey.

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