Introducing New Features and Improvements to Next Gen Math
November has been an exciting month for us at Next Gen Math, and we are hopeful that the updates, enhancements, and new additions will make your job as an educator that much easier. It is always our goal to make improvements with an eye toward keeping the platform user-friendly and effective.
New Features:
- Diagnostic Assessments
- Enhanced Administrator Reports
- Enhanced Teacher Reports
New Improvements & Resources:
- 30+ New Question Stems
- 8+ New Tutorial Videos and Articles
- Assignment Default Settings Saved Across Devices
- One-Click Access to PLC Team Members
- One-Click Access to Intervention Group Students
Diagnostic Assessments
After many requests, we are excited to introduce our brand new standards-based Diagnostics Assessments for each grade level! These assessments provide immediate, actionable insights into student progress, helping you adjust your instruction to address challenges more efficiently and promptly. Our Diagnostics focus on Major Targets/Clusters and mirror the question frequency and types your students will see on the state assessments.
See this earlier post for more information about Diagnostics.
Enhanced Administrator Reports
Administrators now have access to three customized reports, including the new Teacher Standards Report. Administrators still have access to the Access Analytics and Engagement Analytics reports. The Teacher Standards Report allows administrators to view standards-based performance data for each teacher at their school site. The Access Analytics Report displays key login and usage metrics for teachers, students, and administrators. Finally, the Engagement Analytics Report displays key engagement metrics for teachers and students, such as time on the site and average assignment scores.
Learn More:
How to Access and View Administrator Reports
Enhanced Teacher Reports
Teachers now have two new report options in addition to the previous Gradebook Export and Engagement Analytics: Assignment-Based and Standards-Based reports.
The Assignment-Based Report allows you to customize performance reports based on date range, student, and assignments. The Standards-Based Report provides a proficiency score for each student, showing their level of mastery for each standard. This report can be customized by date range, student, and by selecting multiple assignments.
Learn More:
How to Access and View Teacher Reports
Thank You For Your Feedback and Ideas
So many improvements to Next Gen Math come from you, the teachers, specialists and administrators on the ground using the platform with students! The Next Gen Math team captures and reviews everything you send in and uses it to help guide our development work. Feel free to contact us with your feedback and ideas - or tell us in person during your next PD!