What’s New on Next Gen Math – Oct 2022


At Next Gen Math, our greatest endeavor is to keep our teacher-authoring platform aligned with students’ evolving needs. That’s why we compiled a list of our top new features to help you—as a student, teacher, or administrator—get the most out of NextGenMath.com.

Continue reading this article for a review of releases from the past month, including the new Custom Group creation wizard, new question stems, and more!


Custom Groups

Teachers and administrators can now create Intervention Groups with significantly more refinement. These new groups are useful for sending the same version of an assessment or assignment to an entire grade level, particular sections, or to a customized group of students. Data is collected by grade level, section(s), or small intervention group. Customized Intervention Groups are an excellent tool for Professional Learning Communities and more!


Assignment Retake Score Threshold


When creating a retake assignment, the threshold set by the teacher sends activities to those students who need additional support or practice while those students who have achieved mastery may move on to other activities. For example, setting the value to “80%” will ensure that only students with a score of 80% and below will receive the assignment retake. Still want all students to complete a retake, regardless of their score? No problem. Keep the threshold at 100% and all students will receive the retake.


Submit Assignment on Behalf of Student


Assignment authors can now submit a student’s incomplete assignment on behalf of the student. Student scores with no submission have the potential to show inaccurate score data when viewing an assignment’s overall results. By using the “Submit assignment(s)” button, the teacher can ensure that the overall score data is accurate and encompasses all student scores. 


New Question Stems



19 new kindergarten and 35 new 4th grade question stems were added to the stems library. More question options means more opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery across a variety of question stems and standards. Kindergarten students will enjoy subitizing five and ten frames. 


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